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Friday, March 16, 2012

Happy Green Day!!

The Little Frogs started their morning off making decorations for our classroom for our St. Paddy's Day party! Friends had so much fun coloring, cutting and gluing. After our classroom was nicely decorated, we met for Morning Meeting and Moment of Silence. 

During our Moment of Silence, we listened to Celtic Music. Some friends were dancing in their seats with their eyes close!

Danielle then read us an Irish fairytale called Jamie O'Rourke and the Big Potato.  The Little Frogs gave this book all thumbs up. They especially liked the part when the cat and dog hid behind the large potato. 

After Morning Meeting the Chipmunks surprised us with homemade Shamrock shakes! They made them out of lime sherbet, bananas, and milk! When we finished our delicious shakes, we ate green snacks that the leprechaun left in our classroom. The delicious snack consisted of broccoli, cucumber, kiwi, and green peppers. While we ate our green snacks, Shannon read us Lucky Tucker

After our green snack,s we had a flip flop day with the Chipmunks. Half of our friends went to the Chipmunk room where they painted with green peppers, played with green shaving cream and searched through a pot for gold. In the Little Frogs room, friends played with green crazy noodles, read Irish books and got their faces painted. Most of the Frogs chose to continue with the monster and superhero theme.

The monster, tigers, butterflies, superheros and ninjas headed outside to play! The superheros and monsters worked together to save the playground from "bad guys." And the playground was kept safe and sound! Thanks superheros and monsters!

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