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This is the site of our Daily Frog Blog, and one of the ways you can keep up with all the exciting goings on in the Little Frog's classroom. Every day, we will post news about our activities, reflections about the things we are learning, and lots of pictures (and sometimes even mini-movies). On the right side of the blogs is a link called, "Follow by email." If you sign up for this, the blog will be sent directly to your inbox. We encourage you to invite extended family members and interested friends to follow our blog, too.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Then the Superheroes Had a Tea Party...

This morning, without warning, a number of superheroes came to our classroom. It made everyone feel very protected, as no bad guys dared come in the room. 

At Movement with Missy, we played musical chairs. Some friends wanted to keep their same chair, some did not, but we figured it out.

We stretched our muscles, and then Missy taught us a game called Twister. We had to know our colors and figure out how to twist and turn our bodies around.

Next we played with the soccer balls. Missy set up goals and we tried to kick the balls through them.

We are getting very good with our feet.

After we got our stamps, we headed outside for a quick ride on a rocket ship. Then back in the room for Morning Meeting.

Carol challenged us to try a new game, called "Rhythm." The person with the drum taps out a rhythm, and then the rest of the friends have to clap it back.

Next, we all got one picture from the playground and worked together to figure out where it would go on the map. We thought about the first thing we see when we go out and what's next to it and next to that - all around the playground.

Then we headed outside, to see if we got it right. We did! (Except for the metal sunflowers, which someone had taken down!).

For Choice Time, Frogs could pick: Sandbox, Snack, Blocks, Map making, Books or Dramatic Play. For the first time ever, dramatic play was the most popular choice. Why? Because it was time for the superhero tea party. 

While the superheroes were having a spot of tea, other friends were having some snack.

In order to make our maps, the Frogs had to cut out the pictures of places around the playground. This is a great way for friends to practice their fine motor skills!

After Choice Time we went outside to play. Some of our friends found a piece of wood. On one end they placed wood chips and then one would jump on the other end, and the wood chips flew in the air! (For safety, before we jumped we yelled "ALL CLEAR" and look, to make sure no one was standing too close.)

Before nap time one of our friends gets to pick a song to watch on the computer (Elmo, Blue's Clues and Veggie Tales are the current favorites). This is a big hit with the Little Frogs as they all watch in amazement!