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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Our Color Purple

This morning was filled with hugs as Carol greeted her much-missed Little Frogs. Friends also spent some quality time with Nellie and Princess Froggy.

Carol brought back some new instruments from Cuba, so there was new music in the room.

Then it was time for Movement with Missy. After some stretching and Hokey-Pokeying, we played "Rocks, Trees and Birds." Friends particularly enjoy jumping over and crawling under their rock and tree friends.

Next, Missy got out the parachute. We had a Merry-Go-Round, a popcorn machine and then a picnic.

We had our snack outside and some time to get some grocery shopping and hoop throwing done.

A restaurant also opened up, which specialized in "Ice Cream Hot Dog Sandwiches."

Then we headed over to the Grove for our Morning Meeting. Carol had been gone so long that she thought we were suppose to have a "Moment of Noisiness." Fortunately, friends reminded her about how it was suppose to be done.

Then we read a book called, Whoever We Are, about how children are different and the same, all over the world. Carol told friends some of the ways life was different in Cuba. Then, she gave each of the Little Frogs a piece of coral from the beach at Valdedaro.

We discovered that coral is very fun to balance on your head.

We went in to get our giant canvas for the art show, so that we could work on the background. Carol was very happy to learn that the Frogs had discovered many things about our color - purple - while she was away. They not only had found many purple things, but had also learned how to make different shades of purple.

So we headed back out to the grove, and took turns playing monsters in the Deep Dark Forest, and painting with our hands. We mixed up three shades of purple, and covered our canvas with it, to create our painting's background.

It was a lot of messy, beautiful fun...what we do with it next will be a surprise!

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