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This is the site of our Daily Frog Blog, and one of the ways you can keep up with all the exciting goings on in the Little Frog's classroom. Every day, we will post news about our activities, reflections about the things we are learning, and lots of pictures (and sometimes even mini-movies). On the right side of the blogs is a link called, "Follow by email." If you sign up for this, the blog will be sent directly to your inbox. We encourage you to invite extended family members and interested friends to follow our blog, too.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

These Little Froggies Went to Market!

The Little Frogs began their day blasting off on rocket ships, reading books, figuring out puzzles and drawing. 

Danielle also read the book Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! This book is a class favorite! Friends love screaming "No!" at the pigeon when he asks if he can drive the bus!

(A particularly extreme Moment of Silence)

As soon as we got the bus back to the bus driver safe and sound we had Morning Meeting and Moment of Silence. Carol reminded friends that when we finish snack that we were going to Acme to buy our food for camping! Each Little Frog was given paper with a picture and the name of the food that they were responsible for finding when we get to Acme! Friends were so excited!

On our way to Acme, friends found a garden that was full of butterflies and bugs!

Then, the adventure began!

These Little Froggies went to market...

The First Little Froggy found some strawberries!

And the Second Little Froggy found some more!

The Third Little Froggy found some oranges!

The Fourth Little Froggy found corn!

And the Fifth Little Froggy got more!

The Sixth Little Froggy found giant carrots!

This Seventh Little Froggy found Hot Dog Rolls!

The Eighth Little Froggy put the rolls in the cart!

The Ninth Little Froggy found Marshmallows and we all screamed YUM YUM YUM!!

Before checking out Carol asked friends if the remember their money. Friends all laughed and said they left their wallets at home! Luckily, Carol remembered!

Each friend got the chance to scan their item that they got to pick out!

After we checked out, we collected our bags and headed back to Abington Friends! Friends were such good helpers carrying the bags back!