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Friday, January 13, 2012

An Addendum to Alexander

Boone: Come for a visit. I miss you.
Mason: Come to my house.
Kevin: Come to my room with 5 beds on it.
Katy: Come to my house. I have a pink bed like mine!
Elise: I miss him!
Tori: I want him to come to my house. I have a purple bed! Where IS HE?
Cameron: I don't know!
Evan: Happy Birthday, next year. Can I come to your birthday?
Lucas: It's fun to talk to him.
Hannah: Thank you.
Carol: I love your picture in the red phone booth! I can't wait to hear all about your trip.
Danielle: You better not be having any fun, and STOP EATING your growing food!

Elise: Knock Knock (You say Who's there?) Pizza! (Pizza who?) PIZZA COW!

Yesterday to Today

Yesterday, after nap, we decided to try an experiment with the Flubber. We put 3 colanders together, and put the Flubber in the top. Very, very slooooooowly, it began to come through the holes. 
"It looks like rain!"
"It looks like spaghetti!"

Then, the phone rang. It was the call we had been waiting for - Alexander calling from London. All the friends gathered around and smiled as Alexander's face appeared on the screen. He told us that he had ridden on a double decker bus, and friends went to get our double decker buses, to show them to Alexander.

Then, we learned that it was a different time where Alexander was - even though we had just gotten up from nap, he was already in his pajamas and getting ready to go to sleep. It was very fun talking to him and we even shared a couple of knock-knock jokes.

This morning, our Flubber was even stranger looking - it got stretchier overnight and some of it was darker and stiffer (we are going to take it apart after nap today).

When we got in this morning, Katy and Tori's mom was there to help them celebrate their birthdays. The Little Frogs were very excited at having guests - especially ones who played with them!

The Little Frogs were also building with the magnatiles - some friends figured out how to make rocket ships, and then taught their friends how to do it.

Next, we had a snowball fight.

Then Tori and Katy's mom read us one of our current favorite stories - Skippyjon Jones.

This was followed by singing Happy Birthday, and then enjoying fruit and the birthday cupcakes and brownies.

After a little time on the playground, we headed off on an adventure - we were figuring out how to make a map to get to the lower school. We started at the playground, went to the path and headed straight over (we went pretty fast because it had suddenly gotten incredibly cold outside).

We gathered on Student Street, in the upper school, to check out where we had come from, and add some things to our map, before heading for the Lower School.

On our way, we heard music! We opened a door and asked the young man playing the piano if we could listen for a moment. He said, "Sure."

We stopped to add the piano room to our map.

Then, we came to a place where we had to walk along the railing, so that the crocodiles didn't get us.

We stopped to add the crocodiles to our map. Then we checked on our map, to figure out how to get back. We added a few more things, like the big monkey mask and the puddle tree.

When we got back, we had a Moment of Silence, and another story, Nana and Me. The book met with lukewarm reviews from most friends, but allowed us to have an interesting conversation about what people call their grandparents.

Next, we made our own GIANT MAP! There were lots of things on it - including all kinds of creatures. We worked on this for quite a while, then we sat together and told a "Round Robin" story, where all of the friends contributed. A lovely way to end the week.