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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Apple Pie

 The Little Frogs are making a giant pillow person, and we are deciding what kind of face they should have. So, we are practicing drawing different types of facial expressions on the chalk boards, and practicing using our own faces. This is a mad face.

 We started our day in a sweet way, we made apple pies! The Frogs are becoming great bakers! 

 We sliced our own apples and mixed them with sugar and cinnamon. Cutting is a great way to build up the muscles in our hands - and it's fun.

 While some friends were taking their turn baking others worked on making the heads to our stick people!

 While we were waiting for our delicious pies to bake we went outside. We were pretending that we were on a safari. We saw lots of animals such as lions, sharks, polar bears and even some alligators. Most of them required us to run screaming away.

 Finally, our apple pies were finished! But we had to let them cool and we could eat them after we ate all of our growing food at lunch! 

 We then went one another walk to the Upper School, were we got to see some of our other friends!

 Our first stop was Nancy's office. We sang her our new leaf song and she gave us animal crackers for doing such a great job!

 Our next stop was the library! We zigged and zagged in and out of all the rows of books! We noticed different kinds of books in each section. Then we all got book marks from the librarian!

We stopped to take a rest in the lobby - there were just enough blue chairs for each of us.

 Whenever we walk through the other part of the school, we make sure to check out what's on the walls. If a friend finds something good, we all stop to look at it and talk about it. Friends thought this piece of art was kind of scary, so we tried to make our best scary faces.

 Before leaving we did another weather to check to see if it was still raining. It was, so we decided to quickly run back to our classroom to eat our lunch!

 After our long adventure we were starving! We came back, we ate our lunch and our delicious sweet apple pies! Now we are quietly enjoying our sweet dreams!