Welcome to the Little Frog Families!

This is the site of our Daily Frog Blog, and one of the ways you can keep up with all the exciting goings on in the Little Frog's classroom. Every day, we will post news about our activities, reflections about the things we are learning, and lots of pictures (and sometimes even mini-movies). On the right side of the blogs is a link called, "Follow by email." If you sign up for this, the blog will be sent directly to your inbox. We encourage you to invite extended family members and interested friends to follow our blog, too.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Building Steps

The Little Frogs day started off visiting our friend Missy for Movement. We had lots of fun! Missy taught us a game where we pretended we were bumble bees, and we buzzed around the room. When Missy said "Freeze!," we froze and did what Missy said. Missy had us match up our elbows, toes and fingers to another friend. The Little Frogs especially enjoyed the part where we had to give hugs!

Next, Missy suprised us with a parachute! We made the parachute look like the ocean as well a Merry-Go-Round. Then, we each took a turn sitting underneath of it as our friends made it go up and down. 

It was hard work playing with the parachute, so we laid our bodies on top and took a quick rest! Before Movement was over, we finished up with our favorite activity, playing with the balls!

We headed back to our classroom for Morning Meeting and Moment of Silence.

During Morning Meeting, we found more purple objects! We then talked about a box that was in our room when we got in this morning. Danielle read the box to us, and it said, "To: The Little Frogs From : Carol." The Little Frogs were so excited Carol left them a present! Friends were trying to figure out what was in the box. Some friends guessed it was lots of toys, a nut cracker and a huge crocodile. Friends are going to keep guessing what they think it could be, and then we will open it on Thursday. 

While some friends were playing this morning, they found a big green cricket! We measured the cricket and placed it in a jar full of water to see if anything might happen (we explained that we do not put real crickets in water, only FAKE!). Stay tuned because the cricket should make some changes by tomorrow!

Since it was so beautiful out, we suited up with our safety gear, hard hats and goggles, and headed out for an adventure. We walked across campus to the Tyson House where we found Aaron building steps! Since we came prepared, we were able to help him build! Since the Little Frogs were so helpful, the steps will hopefully be finished by the end of the week!  

We then headed inside the Tyson House to say "hello" to all of our friends that were working.

To finish up our day we went to the Lower School playground to play. The Little Frogs are now experts on most of the playground activities. It is a good thing that they have been eating their growing food because they are getting so big...they barely need help!