Welcome to the Little Frog Families!

This is the site of our Daily Frog Blog, and one of the ways you can keep up with all the exciting goings on in the Little Frog's classroom. Every day, we will post news about our activities, reflections about the things we are learning, and lots of pictures (and sometimes even mini-movies). On the right side of the blogs is a link called, "Follow by email." If you sign up for this, the blog will be sent directly to your inbox. We encourage you to invite extended family members and interested friends to follow our blog, too.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Let the Games Begin!

Today was the day for the Froggy Games, so we spent a bit of the morning getting ready - finishing our shirts (each friend picked out their number and their team mascot), and getting our supplies together.

We had a short Morning Meeting outside, and then talked about the kinds of games we would be playing. After, we had a snack to make sure we had enough energy.

Then, it was off to the soccer field with Boone's dad and mom, little brother Chance, and grandfather.

Our first event was the Tug-o-War (or "Tug-o-Conflict," as they like to call it at AFS). There were loops on the ropes for friends to hang on to, as they pulled with all of their might!

The sides were pretty evenly matched - each side won once, and the difference seemed to be Chance in the anchor position.

Next, it was time for the Ball Throw Event. Everyone lined up behind the rope and threw their balls into the net as hard as they could!

We did this one a number of times. After, we had a relay race using our swords as batons.

The last event was the balloon race. Friends each got a balloon and, at the sound of the gong, they ran into the soccer net and BURST their balloons!

Some friends found novel techniques...

Then it was back to the bleachers for our Award Ceremony - Boone's family made everyone a special award to hang around their necks. To finish off this splendid occasion, we had homemade chocolate chip cookies! It was a wonderful event, and one we hope to repeat in the not-so-distant future. Many thanks to Boone and his family!

After we had story on the playground, we came in for lunch and, while we were eating, I mentioned to the Little Frogs that Princess Froggy seemed lonely, and that I thought she was missing Nellie. (I did this for two reasons. First, I wanted to get a sense of where our friends were in their processing of Nellie's death. Secondly, she really is lonely, as guinea pigs don't do well alone, so she will have a new friend soon.) I asked friends what they thought we could do for Princess Froggy's loneliness, and realized that they aren't ready for the new pig conversation, as many of them are trying to figure out if death is a temporary or fixable condition.

Some comments from today's conversation:
  • "I got out the doctor kit, so that I could make Nellie better."
  • "I had a magic stick that would make Nellie wake up, but my mom's friend didn't like it, so she buried it in the ground. I have got to go dig it up!"
  • (After showing them a picture of where Nellie is buried) "Is there a camera under the ground, so we can see her?"
  • "If you put Nellie in the water, a mermaid could come and wake her up."
  • "When is she coming back?"

As you can see, friends are struggling to figure out what this whole death thing means - and having not actually seen Nellie, makes it seem even less real. Each time a Little Frog asks about her coming back, we may simply tell them that she has died and is not coming back, or we may reflect on the feeling behind the statement ("It would be nice if you had some magic that could bring her back, wouldn't it?"). Obviously, this will be an ongoing conversation, and we will keep you posted.

On an unrelated noted, tomorrow the Chipmunks are hosting a No Trash Lunch Day, in honor of Earth Day and their whole project on trash and recycling. In solidarity, we would like to join them. If you can, (and I know that some of you do this already), please try and pack all of your child's lunch items in re-usable containers, so that we will have as little trash as possible at the end of our meal. Whenever I stop to think about it, I am amazed at how much I throw away in a day's time.