Welcome to the Little Frog Families!

This is the site of our Daily Frog Blog, and one of the ways you can keep up with all the exciting goings on in the Little Frog's classroom. Every day, we will post news about our activities, reflections about the things we are learning, and lots of pictures (and sometimes even mini-movies). On the right side of the blogs is a link called, "Follow by email." If you sign up for this, the blog will be sent directly to your inbox. We encourage you to invite extended family members and interested friends to follow our blog, too.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Doing Things Together

Morning gave the Little Frogs some time to check in with the guinea pigs (who seemed to have missed them) and one another.

We had some bendable string that friends enjoyed working with, as well as some new baby supplies.

We had a little time outside before we headed over to Movement class.

After our warm up, we had an animal parade, where we had to stomp like elephants, fly like birds, hop like frogs and slither like snakes.

We had a Freeze Dance with scarves - stopping and starting our bodies when the music stopped and started. When you are two and three, this is not easy (particularly the stopping part).

Missy passed out noodles and we pretended they were all kinds of things - like brooms and oars and unicorn horns, and we practiced tossing, catching and balancing them. We also had a chance to drive the school bus and put out some fires before it was time to say goodbye to Missy.

There was more time outside, where friends have lots of things that they are figuring out. Many Little Frogs have started to use the pedals on the bikes, and are reveling in their new speed and control.

Others are finding new changes in nature and wondering what these treasures are and what's inside them.

But mostly, the Little Frogs are figuring out how to be friends with each other - pushing one another on the swings and finding games to play and things to build together.

Back inside, we had Morning Meeting, which we began with some songs. Some of the Little Frogs decided to accompany our singing on their "guitars," and soon, many friends had found instruments to play. We even tuned them together.

Princess Froggy was chosen as the lucky pig to be held today - and several friends got to hold a guinea pigs for the very first time.

After Snack, we headed out on a Spider Hunt, which turned into something else entirely.

We climbed the wall and jumped down...

...and found leaves bigger than our heads!

Then we found two of our favorite things - sticks and mud!

We spent a lot of time playing in the mud with our sticks,

and just playing with our sticks.

Then we came across a pile of sticks - which even had some spiders living in it!

And we found some giant sticks to balance on.

After our outside time, we went inside for a story. Today we read a classic, "The Cat in the Hat," which some friends loved but, for some friends, was a little too long. We had some lively conversation over lunchtime and then it was time to do our jobs and settle in for nap. At the request of some of our friends, we have started to read "Charlotte's Web," as an ongoing naptime story. If today was any indication, nap stories put some friends right to sleep, while others listened intently and some, not at all. We'll see how this work over time.