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This is the site of our Daily Frog Blog, and one of the ways you can keep up with all the exciting goings on in the Little Frog's classroom. Every day, we will post news about our activities, reflections about the things we are learning, and lots of pictures (and sometimes even mini-movies). On the right side of the blogs is a link called, "Follow by email." If you sign up for this, the blog will be sent directly to your inbox. We encourage you to invite extended family members and interested friends to follow our blog, too.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Day with the Turtles

Today, the Little Frogs spent the morning with our Turtle Friends. The Turtles showed us a very cool experiment. They placed baking soda on a tray and filled a jar with vinegar and watercolor.  We then used the dropper to suck up the vinegar to drop on the baking soda. This is where the cool part comes in! Once the vinegar touched the baking soda, it began to bubble up! The Little Frogs thought this was awesome, and we can not wait to try it in our classroom!!

We then had Morning Meeting and Moment of Silence on the big blue circle rug in the Turtle room. After Morning Meeting, we talked about our plans for today, and since today is Tuesday, you guessed it! We had Inside/Outside day! 

Some friends decided that since it was so beautiful outside, they would take their books outside to read!!

Some friends prefered to race their trucks down the slide!

One friend was being silly, and he stuck a piece of paper to his head!

The Little Frogs are very interested in finding bugs on the playground, and today was a great bug finding day. We first caught a spider in our classroom, then a stink bug on the door in the Turtle room, but the best was when we found this big green caterpillar (aka big green worm)!

Another friend found a hula hoop stuck in the tree. Being the great problem solvers we are,  we decided to throw a ball up at the tree to knock it down! And it WORKED!!! Friends were so excited that they kept getting the hula hoop stuck in the tree, so they could throw the ball to get it down!

After Inside/Outside, we headed off on an adventure! We first stopped by the cafeteria to look at the garden.  

We saw Jim, who teaches the big kids, and he told us about the plants in the garden.

He showed us the different types of lettuce plants that are growing. We all agreed that it looked like nice big delicious salad! But don't worry, Danielle would not let us eat any of the lettuce since it is growing food!

Jim asked us if we could possibly help him pick the weeds, and we gladly said yes!

After a quick game of basketball, we headed off to the Lower School playground!

But on our way, we found another friend! It was Craig! He showed us the leaf blower that was in the back of his golf cart! 

When we got to the playground, we pretended we were monkeys and fire fighters that came to save the day!

We then spent the rest of the morning running, jumping, digging, climbing and sliding with our Pre-K and Kindergarten friends!

It was a great, fun day!!