Welcome to the Little Frog Families!

This is the site of our Daily Frog Blog, and one of the ways you can keep up with all the exciting goings on in the Little Frog's classroom. Every day, we will post news about our activities, reflections about the things we are learning, and lots of pictures (and sometimes even mini-movies). On the right side of the blogs is a link called, "Follow by email." If you sign up for this, the blog will be sent directly to your inbox. We encourage you to invite extended family members and interested friends to follow our blog, too.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Let the Wild Rumpus Begin!

Morning found some new invitations for the Little Frogs to investigate (invitations, or provocations are toys or materials laid out in new ways to invite or provoke reactions, interactions or questions).

Most intriguing was the discovery of a flattened box, which soon became a tunnel and a cave. Friends really struggled to figure out how to safely use the space - at this age, most friends don't have a solid sense of where they are in space and how close or far away they are from other kids. Hence, the frequent "bonkings" that are part of the life of a Little Frog.

We made another batch of playdough today, which is an activity that the Frogs really enjoy. Measuring, counting, dumping, stirring and mixing colors allow us to develop a wide variety of skills while having fun at the same time.

At Morning Meeting, we sang a new favorite song, "Make New Friends, " that we are also learning in sign language. When we came to the sign for "warms the heart," we had an impromptu discussion about where your heart is.

Outside, friends found more Spider-ider-iders!

And we continued to revel in, and figure out how to play together.

Then we found some tools to let us listen to our hearts.

We took a walk to the Monet bridge for storytime.

The Turtles stopped by for a surprise visit. Then we read, "Where The Wild Things Are," and roared our terrible roars and gnashed our terrible teeth. Then took our wild rumpus back to our room for lunch.