Welcome to the Little Frog Families!

This is the site of our Daily Frog Blog, and one of the ways you can keep up with all the exciting goings on in the Little Frog's classroom. Every day, we will post news about our activities, reflections about the things we are learning, and lots of pictures (and sometimes even mini-movies). On the right side of the blogs is a link called, "Follow by email." If you sign up for this, the blog will be sent directly to your inbox. We encourage you to invite extended family members and interested friends to follow our blog, too.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Picture Perfect Day!

We had a very busy day today. We were Bakers, Fishermen, Detectives, Musicians, and Photographers. We started off with our cooking hats on, we made more delicious pizzas!

While some friends were making their pizzas others turned themselves back into superheros. And every good superhero needs to know how to tie a knot, so Danielle showed them how. This is a tricky skill because it involves a great deal of fine motor coordination, among other skills, so we may have to have several more lessons.

The Turtles let us borrow their fishing game. It comes with two fishing poles that have a magnet at the end and the object is to fish the magnetic letters. 

Next we headed to Music with Jenny. But when we got their she was missing! So we looked under the couch, piano and table but Jenny was not there! So we quickly ran back to our classroom to come up with a plan to find Jenny.

We put on our Detectives hats and thought of places where she could be! We gathered up our flashlights and Jenny Finders (bells) and went on our search. First, we decided to look under the benches. But still NO JENNY!

Our next stop the Big Climber. We rang our bells and screamed "Jenny are you here?" But still NO JENNY!

Then, a friend spotted something terrible, THE GATE WAS LEFT OPEN!!! We were so worried -  what if she got out!?! But we hoped for the best and headed off to see if she was on the swing set.

But she was not there either!

One friend suggested that we should look through a window, but when we did we saw someone!! It was just Carol and she told us that Jenny wasn't in there either. Our next stop-the forest!

Still NO JENNY!! 

The next stop the Puddle Tree!

By the time we got to the Puddle Tree some of our friends needed a rest! Being a Detective is very hard work! So we took a quick nap!

After the Puddle Tree we tiptoed to the cave (just in case there were bears) and we whispered "Jenny are you there?" But still no Jenny!

We went back to the John Barnes Room and guess who we found, JENNY!! Our mission was a success!!

When we found Jenny she told us that we were going to have Music with the Chipmunks! 

We played with sticks and pretended we were different kinds of animals.

After music we headed back to our room for Morning Meeting. Carol started off by showing the Little Frogs the digital cameras that we borrowed from the Lower School. She showed all of her friends how to use them, and everyone had a chance to take a picture. Then she explained that everyone would have a chance in the next few days to take a walk and take as many pictures as they liked. The Frogs were very excited about this.

We sang the song "Make New Friends" in our soft voices then in our monster voices! We next took a vote on which monster book we should read. There's a Nightmare in My Closet, was the book we picked!

We found out that the monster was not so scary! We then headed out to play on the playground.

Our first pair of friends headed out to take photos. The were looking for interesting or beautiful or unusual pictures. They were quite serious about their photography.

Then our next duo headed out. All of our friends will have a chance to review their photos and pick some that they would like to share with their friends.

One of the Little Frogs stayed for the whole day, for the first time! His friends were very helpful in showing him the ropes and routines. It was a a picture perfect day!