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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Foot Painting

Thankfully over night the, Purple People Eaters turned themselves back into Little Frogs! Since the Little frogs were back, they recognized the four new toys in the classroom. Friends worked hard to figure out how to open the eggs filled with bugs and slime. After each friend tried, they worked together and quickly figured out how to open the egg. They then decided to mix the slime filled eggs with our pink flubber. Friends thought this was very interesting because it caused the flubber to change colors. 

We then met a jack-in-the-box about monkeys.... I mean Jenny for Music! Jenny sang us a story about a Leperchun and his friend Tom.  The Little Frogs enjoyed the song because we acted it out as she sang it. We were also able to play with the shaker eggs. The Little Frogs are becoming very good at being flexible when they do not get the color they wanted!

Next, we headed back to our classroom for Morning Meeting and Moment of Silence. Today's Moment of Silence was rather quiet... mostly because there was no monsters around! We then opened the big blue present that Carol left for us! Each Little Frog teared the paper until it was open! It was a Tool Bench and Tools! The Little Frogs were so happy! 

Danielle asked Friends to take off their shoes and socks! The Little Frogs were very confused by this, but they all took off their shoes and put their feet in the circle.

Next, we made a large foot pile! We then pretended that we smelled something, so we all sniffed our feet! The Little Frogs then rolled up their pants and headed to the red line on the floor.

Friends wondered why there was large pieces of paper taped to the floor as well as trays of paint. Danielle explained that we were going to paint with our feet! The Little Frogs were very excited! Each friend started off with a tray - we then all counted down and stepped on the paint. The room was filled with ewhs and giggles! 

Some friend chose to use their hands as well as feet! This is a great and fun sensory activity! 

After lots of stomping, sliding and tip toeing, our masterpiece was finished! After a good foot scrubbing, the Little Frogs headed outside to play!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful activity, Danielle! I know one Little Frog who had an unexpectedly great time getting messy today!
