Welcome to the Little Frog Families!

This is the site of our Daily Frog Blog, and one of the ways you can keep up with all the exciting goings on in the Little Frog's classroom. Every day, we will post news about our activities, reflections about the things we are learning, and lots of pictures (and sometimes even mini-movies). On the right side of the blogs is a link called, "Follow by email." If you sign up for this, the blog will be sent directly to your inbox. We encourage you to invite extended family members and interested friends to follow our blog, too.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Snowball Fights!

        The Little Frogs began their day with lots of laughs and smiles. The morning started off with Free Choice time. Free Choice consisted of building with the blocks, dramatic play, painting with water colors, and stamps.

        The Little Frogs love it when their families called durning the day to check in on them!

Some of our friends chose to fight off fire breathing dragons, while others preferred to go fishing for block fish. A boat appeared and treasure maps and the quest continued on the high seas!

Friends noticed that the guinea pigs needed food and water. The Little Frogs have become much more independent about taking care of our furry friends.

Today's Morning Meeting was extra exciting because all of the Little Frogs were able to sit cris cross! We also had a very quiet Moment of Silence. 

We read the book David Gets in Trouble, which we discovered is a favorite of the Little Frogs, since it received mostly all thumbs up.

After our book we discovered something new about our block shelves. They had pictures of where each block should go. The Little Frogs were eager to announce out the shape of each block to figure out where it might fit. So now, during clean up time we can put our blocks away easily by matching the shape of the block to the shape on the shelve.

Since today was not so cold we were able to go out and enjoy our playground. We were able to run, jump, climb and bike!

Before heading to Music with Jenny, we checked on our stick house. We must have done a great job because it is still standing tall!

Music with Jenny was fun because we learned a lot of new songs and dances. 

And we got to have a snowball fight! Jenny bought in lots of shower luffas that we pretended were snowballs! The Frogs were gleeful about throwing them at each other, and they didn't hurt at all.

On our way out, we went through the Meetinghouse. Carol showed us where she sits when she goes for Meeting for Worship. The Little Frogs agreed that she picked a great seat! 

We took a magic door out of the Meeting House (first we tried to figure out where this new door would lead us) and we found ourselves on the porch. We played for a little bit longer then headed inside to not eat our growing food and to have no fun! 

Since tomorrow is suppose to be a beautiful day out we are planing on taking a trip to Alverthorpe Park. We are hoping to begin our adventure by 9:30. So please make sure that your Little Frog/s are here in time and dressed for an outing in the woods.