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This is the site of our Daily Frog Blog, and one of the ways you can keep up with all the exciting goings on in the Little Frog's classroom. Every day, we will post news about our activities, reflections about the things we are learning, and lots of pictures (and sometimes even mini-movies). On the right side of the blogs is a link called, "Follow by email." If you sign up for this, the blog will be sent directly to your inbox. We encourage you to invite extended family members and interested friends to follow our blog, too.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Traditional Day

The Little Frogs started their morning out nice and early! We had our Morning Meeting and Moment of Silence with another special visitor, Evan's dad! He read us a book about Hanukah and taught us about the Menora. 

 When we finished reading we got to play with dreidels and he gave us gold chocolate coins for snacktime.

 We then went out to the playground to play for a little. Our tire swing is broken so some friends were pretending it was a basketball net. 

When we were finished playing we went to the Hallowell Gym for Winterfest. Everyone in the entire school was there! We were able to sing, dance and even help decorate the Christmas tree. We sang lots of songs about all the different holidays!

The Upper School students put on some skits for us! Then it was the Early Childhood's turn to decorate the tree.

We even bought Hoppity and Bumpity along with us! They were singing and dancing too!

On our walk over we found some more frogs hidden out back!

When we were finished having a blast at Winterfest we came back and played in our room for a bit!

To finish up our day we meet the Chipmunks, Turtles, Sunflowers and Caterpillars in the John Barnes room for music with Jenny and her husband. When they sing together they are called Two of a Kind. 

We had so much fun singing some silly and holiday songs with everyone!

Jenny and her husband were wearing such silly hats that they made us laugh!

During music class we had a big dance party with all of our friends.

We said our goodbyes and told Jenny we would see her next year!! The Little Frogs are now napping and resting up from their busy day of dancing and singing!