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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Figuring Things Out

This morning, we experimented with a gyroscope. friends balanced it on their hands and we discussed how it felt and how it moved.

Then Evan asked if I would make him a paper rocket, so we had a lesson in paper folding.

Then it was time for Music class. Jenny played some of our favorite songs.

We got to play her big drum and the shaker eggs.

After snack, we decided to head out to the Triangle gym, so that we could fly our paper rockets very far. Before we left, we got out our notebook and made a plan about what we should take. On our way, we played a new game called, If You Can Hear My Voice. It is kind of like Simon Sez, and it takes really good listening to play.

We stopped at this yellow thing again and everyone had a guess as to what it was. Most friends thought it was something to catch bad guys. When we talked about who uses it, we started to suspect that Dave, the caretaker, might be a superhero. we will have to investigate.

We tried climbing the fence. Friends are getting to be amazingly strong.

We met up with the Chipmunks, who were also going to the Triangle gym.

When we got there, we took our shoes off and we talked about what it meant to share the gym with the Chipmunks. Friends knew that many of them are smaller than us, which meant we were going to be the Big Kids. We were ready for the responsibility.

We played ball for awhile. Then it was time to test out our paper airplanes. Friends helped each other figure out the best ways to get them to fly.

Alexander brought his Twister game and shared it with everyone. Some friends enjoyed twisting, while others really liked the spinner, and telling friends what color to put their hands and feet on.

Next, we put our shoes on and went to a new space - The Wrestling Room upstairs!

We played some games and then sat down for Morning Meeting.

Danielle read a new book that Boone brought in today called, Extra Yarn. we really enjoyed the story. We also got out our notebook and friends talked about climbing the fence - we wrote down every one's opinion.

Then we rolled across the floor and rushed back for lunch!