Welcome to the Little Frog Families!

This is the site of our Daily Frog Blog, and one of the ways you can keep up with all the exciting goings on in the Little Frog's classroom. Every day, we will post news about our activities, reflections about the things we are learning, and lots of pictures (and sometimes even mini-movies). On the right side of the blogs is a link called, "Follow by email." If you sign up for this, the blog will be sent directly to your inbox. We encourage you to invite extended family members and interested friends to follow our blog, too.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Day in the Magic Forest

This morning we did some housekeeping around the room...

...then made plans for our big adventure. We had to decide if we would take the big bottle of ice. Friends had a lot of opinions, and finally concluded that we should take it along in the wagon.

The Little Frogs learned about the Magic Key, that would open the gate into the Magic Forest. We were very excited about going.

While we got everything ready, we had some time out on the playground.

Then we got our buddies and headed off.

We stopped by some of our favorite places.

Checked on our ice.

Then we had our Morning Meeting on the stage. Friends listened carefully and heard birds singing.

Then we saw some flying.

Next, Danielle conducted some advanced, "Roll Down the Hill" Lessons.

We all passed with flying colors.

Next, we checked the map to try and figure out where the Magic Gate to the Magic Forest might be.

We found it.

We played some music on the fence with our sticks.

And found a GIANT SNAKE, that had been turned into wood. We bravely climbed on it.

We took many photos.

And learned about a plant that has prickers on it.

We found a spider web...

...and a lake.

Before we knew it, it was time to head back.

But first, we stopped to check on our ice. Some of it had melted, so we all had a drink. It was a beautiful day in the Magic Forest. We are hoping to go back tomorrow...and maybe take our lunches!