Welcome to the Little Frog Families!

This is the site of our Daily Frog Blog, and one of the ways you can keep up with all the exciting goings on in the Little Frog's classroom. Every day, we will post news about our activities, reflections about the things we are learning, and lots of pictures (and sometimes even mini-movies). On the right side of the blogs is a link called, "Follow by email." If you sign up for this, the blog will be sent directly to your inbox. We encourage you to invite extended family members and interested friends to follow our blog, too.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Deep Dark Forest

The Little Frogs' morning started off with some cleaning. First, we filled up the water table with soap and water. Then, we dumped our goggles, animals, and bristle blocks in to wash. When we put in our animals, we heard them mooing and barking. They were making so much noise!

After they were all nice and shiny we headed outside to lay them out on the table to dry. The only problem was that some of our animals were getting eaten by big monsters! 

Some were not so lucky!

Some friends put their animals on the swing to see who could fly the farthest! One friend would place the animals on the swing, then someone else would give a count down. It was then "Blast off" time.  When the animals flew off the swing we marked the ground where they landed. It was an excellent experiment.

The tiger was the winner!!

The Little Frogs are becoming very good at building. We used the blocks that were on the playground to build chairs, houses and towers. 

We decided to have snack outside! The only problem was the wind kept blowing our napkins away! We kept yelling "Hey wind stop blowing my napkin away!" But the wind did not listen. Friends thought this was so funny! 

After snack we decided to build a fort/ spaceship. We first took all the blocks and built a tunnel into the main area.  Once inside we strapped on our space suits and buckled up. Next thing we knew we were on Mars! 

Friends then crawled through the tunnel and bounce around in outer space.

We then went back in for Morning Meeting and a Moment of Silence! We read a new book called (appropriately enough),  I Want To Be An Astronaut. It was a very exciting story.

Carol then explained to us that on Friday she and Hoppity will be getting on a plane and going to Cuba! She showed us on the map where the first plane would land in Florida, and then the route of the second plane to Cuba. Friends had lots of questions (many of them being, "Can I go too?). She told friends that all of the people in Cuba speak Spanish, and told friends a few of the words she knows. Then, everyone started to ask how to say all different kinds of words. Carol promised to bring in her Spanish-English dictionary tomorrow, so we can look up how to say anything friends want.    

Next, we started to get packed up for our trip to the Magic Forest. We all put our lunches in the wagon first. Then friends chose other things they wanted to bring for our adventure. We brought pirate hats, binoculars, swords (to fight monsters), a bottle of water and a crown. Then we were set. We picked our buddies and headed off. On the way we sang our new favorite song, "Don't Run Your Buddy Into a Tree!"

Before opening the Magic Gate, we stopped to roll down the big hill and play in the house.

We had to say, "AARGH!" to get past the pirate on the bridge.

Then we had to say magic words to get the gate to open.

We climbed through the log gate and road on the giant snake.

Then it was lunchtime. It was fun eating outside, and we could hear the geese (or were they peacocks?).

After lunch, we went to explore and found a monster's house! We checked out each of the rooms. Luckily, he wasn't at home.

We also went down to visit the Sea Serpents and to throw some rocks in the lake.

We climbed a very tall mountain...

and found out where the monster keeps his blocks.

We found a mysterious sign that read, "Camping Area, Permit Required, Apply at Control Building." We are pretty sure we want to come over and camp (for the day), in the spring, but we are going to have to figure out what this message means first.

Then we headed back.

We climbed back over the logs...

rode the giant snake one last time...

...and climbed the giant hill and took a rest. We were VERY tired when we got back, so we got drinks of water and fell fast asleep.