Welcome to the Little Frog Families!

This is the site of our Daily Frog Blog, and one of the ways you can keep up with all the exciting goings on in the Little Frog's classroom. Every day, we will post news about our activities, reflections about the things we are learning, and lots of pictures (and sometimes even mini-movies). On the right side of the blogs is a link called, "Follow by email." If you sign up for this, the blog will be sent directly to your inbox. We encourage you to invite extended family members and interested friends to follow our blog, too.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Today, the Little Frog classroom was invaded by Purple People Eating Monsters! Don't worry though; not all Purple People Eating Monsters are mean; the ones that came to our room were nice! After our quick transformation, we headed outside to pretend we were Monsters who invaded the playground.

We then headed back in to have our Morning Meeting and Moment of Silence...monster style. It is pretty hard for Purple Monsters to sit still, but these monsters are becoming professionals! Instead of saying, "I did it!" after our Moment of Silence, we roared really really loudly! 

During Morning Meeting, Danielle surprised us with a special purple snack of grapes, jelly sandwiches and purple juice! The Purple People Monsters were very excited!

We also examined our cricket again.  The monsters noticed that it grew even bigger! We placed it on our  chart to measure its growth. On Monday it was the length of 3 frogs; Tuesday it was 4 1/2 frogs, and today it was a full 5 frogs. The monsters then realized some had 3, 4 and/or 5 eyes on their heads! 

After Morning Meeting, we started to hear a growling noise! We thought that it might be another monster, but it turned out it was our stomachs! So we decided to eat our purple snacks! We listened to our theme song for the day, "Purple People Eater." During our "grape" snack we decided to go on a Purple People Eater adventure! 

Our Purple adventure started at one of our favorite places, the Puddle Tree! 

Next, we raced to the scary Monster Cave made out of sticks!

We then stopped to check on Aaron and his progress with the steps! At first we scared him because we were dressed like monsters, but we assured him it was just us! The monsters closely examined his work and gave him the Purple Stamp of Approval!

We then headed inside the Lower School Building to continue our Purple Adventure!

Once inside, the Purple Monsters spotted Purple objects. In their teeny tiny monster voices they said, "Purple People Eaters." Then all the Purple People Eaters gathered around and took a vote if it was purple. If the answer was YES! The monster who spotted the object took a picture of it!

We even stopped some friends who were wearing purple and asked if we could take a picture. At first they were scared of us, but we showed them our nice beautiful smiles, and they quickly said YES!

The Monsters did such a great job that we decided to have our lunch outside! The Purple People Eaters let out a loud "ROAR!!!" of excitement!! 

Danielle once again tried to convince the Monsters not to eat their growing food, but they turned and showed their scary monster faces, so she sadly let them eat!

Carol, if you are reading this, the monsters said they wish they could scare you!! They also hope you are having a "purple" (perfect) and "grape" (great) time!! We love you and miss you!!!

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