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This is the site of our Daily Frog Blog, and one of the ways you can keep up with all the exciting goings on in the Little Frog's classroom. Every day, we will post news about our activities, reflections about the things we are learning, and lots of pictures (and sometimes even mini-movies). On the right side of the blogs is a link called, "Follow by email." If you sign up for this, the blog will be sent directly to your inbox. We encourage you to invite extended family members and interested friends to follow our blog, too.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Going on a Purple hunt!

The morning started off with book reading. The best part about these storys was that The Little Frogs were the ones doing the reading. Friends gathered around a book while a friend made up a story or retold the story by memory. This is a great step for friends to be at because it is one of the levels before learning to read. 

Next, the Little Frogs met for Morning Meeting and Moment of Silence. During Morning Meeting, we mixed the colors blue and red to see what might happen. Friends were very excited when it turned purple! We then tried mixing red first, then blue, but it still made purple! We then mixed white into our purple... Friends watched as the white and purple made light purple. Then, we mixed black into the purple which made it become a darker purple. Friends found this to be very exciting as well as fun!

We also noticed that our green cricket made some changes over night! We took it out of the water and friends closely examined it and determined that it grew! We matched it up to our measurements from yesterday, and we were right! We marked it on the paper and measured the different lengths by you guessed it, FROGS! Yesterday, the cricket was only three frogs, and today it was 4 1/2 frogs! The Little Frogs then guessed what they think might happen tomorrow. Some believe that it will get bigger and some think that is might get smaller. We cannot wait to see what may happen. 

Danielle read us The Very Hungry Caterpillar during snack to try and distract us from eating our growing food. Don't worry... it DID NOT work!

Since it was a beautiful day outside, we had inside/outside day with the Turtles. Most friends chose to go outside while others chose to play different games inside.

The Little Frogs came up with a new game they called, "Delivery." Some friends would stand under the climber and yell "Delivery!" This meant for other friends to run to the climber and pick up their package. The Little Frogs enjoyed playing this game so much that when we went outside in the afternoon, they continued playing it!

To finish our day, the Little Frogs went on a Purple hunt in our classroom. They went around the room and collected all the purple items they could find. When a friend found an item, they would say, "Purple People Eater."  The Little Frogs did such a great job finding the purple items that we needed to get a large bin to put them in. They also discussed whether the item was light purple, dark purple, or just plain purple.

Tomorrow the Little Frogs are going on a purple adventure to see if we can find more purple items! We cannot wait because we know it is going to be a GRAPE day!!

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