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This is the site of our Daily Frog Blog, and one of the ways you can keep up with all the exciting goings on in the Little Frog's classroom. Every day, we will post news about our activities, reflections about the things we are learning, and lots of pictures (and sometimes even mini-movies). On the right side of the blogs is a link called, "Follow by email." If you sign up for this, the blog will be sent directly to your inbox. We encourage you to invite extended family members and interested friends to follow our blog, too.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Mud...and Bugs

Today was not a day for the squeamish soul. We began with flying ants in our room, which we vacuumed up quickly and then handed the vacuum over to the Little Frogs to patrol the room. No ant was safe, and the novelty of having the vacuum cleaner to use had friends squealing with excitement. (We seem to have gotten most, if not all, of our visitors).

There was also a mysterious box on the table, that took us awhile to open.

Inside was a Uncle Milton's Giant Ant Farm! We put it together and then read the instruction for ordering ants - the irony of ordering ants to be delivered to our classroom was not lost on me.

Popcorn continued to acclimate to her new friends.

After we cleaned up our room, we had a much deserved dance party, before we settled in for Morning Meeting.

We read a new story called, Grumpy Cat, about a lonely grumpy cat who meets up with a kitten and is not grumpy or lonely any more. Friends thought this was much like Princess Froggy, who had been lonely missing Nellie, until baby Popcorn came along. (As soon as they made the connection, all friends had to go over to the cage to see their furry friends).

After snack, we got our boots and raincoats on, and then Danielle told a story about a chipmunk looking for a home.

Friends loved the story, because they got to be a part of it. You'll never guess where the chipmunk ended up living.

We went out and checked out the playground, Then we got our notebook and got ready to set off on our adventure. Before we left, everyone guessed how many puddles they thought would be in the Puddle Tree, and we wrote them down. Then we RAN to the tree to count. 

There were 15 - more than anybody guessed! Next, we went in search of puddles, and things that are alive. Whenever friends find something interesting, they tell Carol or Danielle and we write it in our book, to talk about at lunchtime. Today, we saw:
4 Geese
3 Squirrels
5 Birds outside
4 Birds inside (our friends in the cage)

WE also found more puddles, and mud puddles, than we could count. We discovered that it is very hard NOT to jump when you are in a mud puddle. We also discovered that it is extra fun to jump WITH your friends. Finally, we discovered that this is a really great way to get SUPER DIRTY*. 

*This might be a good time to bring up our current need for new clean clothing in many many Little Frog's bins.....(Please make sure friends have 2 complete changes of clothing at all times, including socks and underwear).

We also discovered:
a mountain of dirt (which may have been a volcano)...

...a baseball field...

...a trap!...

...some new flowers...

...a giant water machine...

...some more cool stuff in the windows (we are not sure what they were, further investigation may be necessary)...

...a loose ball...

...and some ant families that were gathering, "for Morning Meeting."

What can I say about this day? The dirt comes out, the joy has more staying power.

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