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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Walk in the Creek

Today, the Little Frogs spent the day with the Turtles! The Little Frogs were very excited to play with the Turtles and share their toys! The morning was filled with puppies, airplanes, and growing flowers in the sandbox.

Friends had a quick dance party before heading out to see a Monkey about a Milkshake... I mean Missy for   Movement. The Little Frogs and Turtles pretended to be one long train that chugged to Movement Class.

We started Movement Class by stretching out our arms and legs. When we stretched our legs, they made the shape of a butterfly. So we closed our eyes and pretended that we were flying to Disney World to see Mickey Mouse and his friends.

When we came back from our trip, we played a fun game of freeze dance. Missy was very impressed with the Little Frogs and Turtle's dance moves. Missy also used a fan to blow lots and lots of bubbles. Friends were giggling and hopping around the room to pop the bubbles.

We finished up Movement Class with some Relay Races. All of our friends must have worn their fast shoes to school today because everyone tied!

After Movement, we had Morning Meeting and a Moment of Silence outside since it was a beautiful day. During Morning Meeting, friends were told they were going to go on an adventure. But they needed to put their rain boots on!


The Little Frogs have been very curious about the creek and were very excited to explore.

At first most friends observed the creek. They watched the stream and water slowly moving.

Then we got the tips of our boots wet!

The adventure began when we began to walk around.

Friends were giggling and screaming with joy! Especially when we got water in our boots!

Some friends enjoyed the shallow part of the creek where the water just barely covered their boots, while others loved it when the water almost touched the tops of their boots.

We then headed back to our room to clean up and dry off for lunch time.  Needless to say during lunch, the only topic of conversation was about our walk in the creek and when we can do it again!

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