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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Day With the Turtles

The Little Frogs started their day playing marbles in the Turtle Room. Friends built big towers for their marbles to twist and turn through. 

We then did what Turtles and Frogs do best - DANCE!!  After we threw our hands up in the air a couple times, we had our Morning Meeting and Moment of Silence. The Turtles were very impressed by how well we do our Moment of Silence.

After Morning Meeting and Snack, we had inside/outside day. 

Friends helped bring out pitchers of water to fill the water table. Then, Danielle poured an entire bag of ice in the water. Friends were making predictions about what they thought might happen. Some predicted that the water might change colors, others thought that the ice would melt while some predicted that the whole water table would turn into ice. 

Friends were excited to find out that nothing happened at first, but eventually it melted!

After our experiment, we headed to the Tennis Courts to run around! 

After running around and throwing and catching the tennis balls, Friends headed back to the to NOT eat their growing food. What a wonderful day!

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