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This is the site of our Daily Frog Blog, and one of the ways you can keep up with all the exciting goings on in the Little Frog's classroom. Every day, we will post news about our activities, reflections about the things we are learning, and lots of pictures (and sometimes even mini-movies). On the right side of the blogs is a link called, "Follow by email." If you sign up for this, the blog will be sent directly to your inbox. We encourage you to invite extended family members and interested friends to follow our blog, too.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Pirates and Apple Pie

The morning started off with a large piece of paper, rulers and stencils. The Little Frogs were practicing their stencil skills. This is a hard task because you have to hold the stencil down and draw, all at the same time. To make it easier a stencil was shared between three friends. Other friends just enjoyed laying on their stomachs and drawing. 

After awhile the stenciles became more of a fashion accessary then an art tool!

The Little Frogs now have Pirate hats to use in the dramatic play area. This was lots of fun because our Pirates had sword fights to protect their ships. Other friends used their binoculars to look at the pirates to make sure they were being friendish. 

We also made delicious apple pies. Some friends wore their safety goggles just in case! 

We also went to see a Moose about a Milkshake. Oh wait! We had Movement with Missy! Missy had us play a game where we had to find different color rings that she placed around the room. Some were under the table, others on the couch and one was even hanging on the door knob! 

Next, we listened to a CD that went along with the book If Your Happy and You Know It! While we listened we had to do what the book was saying. We clapped our hands, wiggled our tails and banged on our chest like a monkeys. 

We then wiggled our wiggles out and played the air guitar.

We pretended that we were rocks, trees and birds. Friends hopped over the "rocks" and flew around the  "trees". The Little Frogs enjoyed this very much, especially when they got to climb over one another.  We finished up Movement playing with many different size balls! 

When we got back to our classroom we had a Moment of Silence and Morning Meeting. Danielle read us a book called Snowballs. We talked about the snow people they built and what they were made out of. 

After our book, we discussed Choice Time. One of the choices was finger painting.  We used blue paper and white finger paint to make it look like it was snowing. Some friends painted snow superheros while others painted abominable snowmen. 

Another choice was to put some of our classroom pictures in photo albums. The Little Frogs loved this activity because they saw how tiny they were in the beginning of the year as well as things that we did!

After we were finished building, playing with the puppets, and painting we headed outside to play. Some friends smashed the cotton balls that we made on Friday with a hammer. Others friends pretended they were private detectives who ran around the playground searching for clues. 

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