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Friday, March 2, 2012

Cotton Balls

This morning, we had a dance party and a puppet show...

...before Morning Meeting. Then we read a new book, Smelly Bear. We talked about how some people use books to put on shows - like the rehearsal we saw yesterday. So, we decided to pass out the toy animals and act out the story we just read. It was our very own theater production!

At the end, friends took a bow.

Next, we went through today's choices - although we always try to trick them, friends are getting very good at "decoding" the words on our chart.

Danielle got out cotton balls and we tried dropping them, to see if they made a sound, and smashing them, to see if they would break. Then we talked about what we were going to do with the cotton balls.

We made a batter out of flour, water and color, and dipped our cotton balls into it. We stirred them around to make sure they were coated and then took them out and put them on a tray. Then we baked them in the oven for an hour.

Meanwhile, we had some outside time.

We found a heavy box outside, and some friends decided to be helpful and take it up to the office. It was very heavy and we had to use a lot of muscles. After nap, we will take out our baked cotton balls and see what we can do with them.

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