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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sunny Monday

Our day began with some play dough. We figured out how to make monsters out of purple clay.

 Then we headed off for Movement with Missy. We did some warm-up stretching. Then we played a game where we had to run to a color spot when the music stopped. We also got to play with the balls. Friends worked on throwing and catching together. Missy brought out a giant rubber band that we all held onto together and moved it, and ourselves in unison.

At Morning Meeting, we had our Moment of Silence and then read a new book called, Beetles Bop. Friends told lots of stories about their experiences with bugs.

Next, we got out the drums! Our friends LOVE to play the drums in music class, so we decided that we needed to bring them into the room. Each friend got a drum, and we tried to match different friends' rhythms. After we did a rhythm, we passed the drums to the friend next to us, so that everyone got a turn at the different drums. This kind of turn-taking is new for some friends, so we are working hard to understand that the drum that they want will come back to them.

Then we headed out for a walk to the Kindergarten playground.

We stopped at some of our favorite spots - like the Puddle Tree and the Big Rocks.

At the playground, the Little Frogs enjoyed using all of the equipment, and playing new games with their friends. We dug in the sandbox, built with the blocks, climbed up ladders and trees and slid down slides.

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