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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Another Day in Paradise

Our day began with a little air guitar...

...some Mister Potato Head...

and building with the counting cubes.

There was also some character research on the Internet for our book project.

Then we danced to our new song, "My Name is Joe."

At Morning Meeting, we read a book to prepare us for the day,  Into the Forest, about a boy who takes a walk in the forest and meets all kinds of animals who join him. We talked about our walk today, and what kinds of animals or creatures we might see.

Then we were off to the Magical Forest with our friends, the Turtles.

We hold on to a buddy's hand until we get past the driveway. Then, every RUNS down the big hill.

We spent some time playing on the stage, in the house, on the hill and climbing the sculpture. Then we all met in a big circle on the stage for a...


Carol and Tamara introduced The Chef and Teresa Meresa, who had just met and were trying to be friends. Every once in a while, Tamara would stop the action and have friends decide if what the puppets had done was kind (thumbs up), or mean (thumbs down). It was very fun and funny.

Then, we headed for the Magic Gate into the Magic Forest. Today, we had to say Magic Words to get the lock opened.

It was a beautiful morning to explore and climb and collect treasures.

We went down to the pond, only to discover that it was full of sea serpents and crocodiles. We were not afraid, and we stayed to look at the birds and toss sticks and stones into the water.

Then we hiked up around the pond and headed back. All of our friends are really happy when we are out in the woods - there is so much to see and hear and touch and do - it is a feast for the senses. It was another beautiful day in paradise.

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