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This is the site of our Daily Frog Blog, and one of the ways you can keep up with all the exciting goings on in the Little Frog's classroom. Every day, we will post news about our activities, reflections about the things we are learning, and lots of pictures (and sometimes even mini-movies). On the right side of the blogs is a link called, "Follow by email." If you sign up for this, the blog will be sent directly to your inbox. We encourage you to invite extended family members and interested friends to follow our blog, too.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Playing All Together

We were joined by Ariell today, who read us some monster stories. We also practiced our genteel sword fighting (ask your tiny person about the many rules we have agreed upon.)

As the weather was quite beautiful, we headed outside for some exercise and dramatic play. We spent quite a bit of time outdoors today, helping friends negotiate what is a new level and a new level of interest in interacting in big groups. They are both excited and challenged by these efforts, so we make sure that we are there to support their efforts. There were pirates afoot and ships and things cooking in the sandbox.

We were also fascinated by what happens to snow when you throw it in the creek.

A new game also developed, that was called "Chicken Puppy," (don't ask, I have no idea).  It involved 2 or 10 friends inside a hula hoop, running together until everybody fell over and laughed hysterically. This sequence was repeated many many times, and continued to be hysterically funny to all involved.

Back inside, we had a late Morning Meeting, and then began a secret project, that involved everyone painting. You will undoubtedly see some evidence of this one your child's hands.

It was a lovely end to the week. We hope your weekend is equally fine!

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