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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Flip Flop & Flubber

On Friday, we spent some time investigating our flubber. Some of it had turned into very crunchy spaghetti, and some was still mushy and some was transparent.

This morning, we checked it out again and there were even more textures and colors. We tried making different things with the various shapes.

Friends also made art on the easel. We are using small bits of crayon with the easel, because this helps build the large arm muscles that will support later writing (which I only learned recently, in talking with an occupational therapist).

We decided to have our outside time early today, ahead of the rain.

We have some hoops out on the playground, and the Frogs have been working on getting them to roll. Today we spent some time rolling them back and forth to one another - this demands two important skills: the coordination to push the hoop, and the willingness to let it go to share with a friend (the second often being the more difficult of the two).

At Morning Meeting, we had our Moment of Silence (some friends have figured out how to make it even silent-er).

We read a new book, Herbert, the Timid Dragon. The Little Frogs really enjoyed this book, because dragons are quite popular in our classroom. Then, it was time for our second Flip Flop day. Half of our friends went down to the Turtle room, and half of the Turtle's came  to ours. Friends are really enjoying this opportunity to expand their choices and spend time with the Turtles.

Choices in our room today included painting with colored shaving cream, snack, dramatic play, books and sandbox (we added feeding the guinea pigs, which is an almost always choice).

In the Turtles room, there was building wooden houses, color-mixing, the big sandbox, books and blocks and cars.

After a long Flip Flop, we all headed out to the Meetinghouse porch for some running and stretching. Then it was back inside for story. Evan brought in a book from home, If the Shoe Fits, which everyone enjoyed. We sang goodbye to our half day friends and sat down or lunch together. Over lunch, Danielle told a story with the Frogs - storytelling is becoming a very popular activity.

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