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This is the site of our Daily Frog Blog, and one of the ways you can keep up with all the exciting goings on in the Little Frog's classroom. Every day, we will post news about our activities, reflections about the things we are learning, and lots of pictures (and sometimes even mini-movies). On the right side of the blogs is a link called, "Follow by email." If you sign up for this, the blog will be sent directly to your inbox. We encourage you to invite extended family members and interested friends to follow our blog, too.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

To the Woods!

Free choice time was full of activity this morning. Friends continued to explore the tripod (we will soon be attaching the video camera to it, and creating tiny videographers).

Friends also helped add to our stick book - which is growing every day.

There was some baking and serving happening in the dramatic play area.

And there was a basket-headed monster lose in the block area.

After our Moment of Silence, we discussed our plan for the rest of the day. Friends were excited about our trip, and we tried to remember the fun things we'd done there on our last visit.

Before we left, we had another "Stick Talk Show," with Hoppity the Frog. This time, we played a game called: IS THIS A STICK???. In this game, Hoppity reached in a bag and pulled out something, then asked the Little Frogs the question, "Is this a stick?" (Only loudly, and usually with a stick-ish object in his mouth, so he was hard to understand). Then each friend had to answer the question, for three different objects. In this way, friends will start to think of the qualities that make something a stick (as opposed to trying to answer the impossible questions of Why or Why not?)

After a brief dance party, we headed out.

We discovered all kinds of amazing things today. A forest made out of sticks.

We couldn't decide what this was.

We headed down the big hill and sat on the stage for our morning snack.

Then we did some jumping off...

and climbing up.

We visited the crookedy house...

...and then headed over the bridge into the woods.

There were all kinds off things made out of sticks.

And all kinds and sizes of sticks just lying about, waiting to be climbed upon.

This piece was particularly fascinating,

and you could walk through it!

But the best, most incredible part of all was when we...

saw the deer!!! There were three of them.

They let us get pretty close - even though we were excitedly noisy in our approach.

We followed them for awhile before they headed off, then we headed back. 

Now, as I write this, the Little Frogs are taking a well earned nap - there's even some snoring going on!

An important note: This is our second day of having the "New Danielle" as a teacher in our room, and this transition has gone extremely well. It helped that this Danielle knew nearly all of the children already, as a sub and the extended day coordinator. She is also extremely competent, warm and funny and an excellent fit with the Little Frogs. If you haven't already done so, I encourage you to take some time to talk with her, and you'll see why the Little Frogs already have such wonderful relationships with her. We also see our other Danielle many times a day, and friends enjoy rushing over to give her hugs. And, as we like to say, you can never have enough Danielles.

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