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Thursday, April 12, 2012

A Trip to the Library, and Other Places

Yesterday, Nellie, our guinea pig, went to the Vet because she has not been feeling good. The Little Frogs were told by the Vet to give Nellie medicine once in the morning and once after nap time. Friends worked as a team to calm Nellie down because she was nervous and to cheer her on! Some Little Frogs felt bad for Nellie because they do not like to take medicine and thought maybe she did not either. Once Nellie took all of her medicine we cheered and gave her lots of grass and carrots to eat!

This morning the Little Frogs received two new additions to their store, Shopping Carts! Friends couldn't wait to build the shopping carts to play with in their store. After our carts were built friends asked for baby dolls to put in the seats.  After each baby was safely strapped in, friends shopped till they dropped or until to was time to share! 

Next, we headed to Music Class! The Little Frogs have not seen Jenny since we went on Spring Break so they were very excited! Jenny was very happy to see that the Little Frogs remembered all the songs she taught us!

Jenny taught us a new song about a caterpillar that turns into a butterfly. Friends loved this song because she had a caterpillar puppet that turned into a butterfly.  Friends then pretended that they were butterflies and used colorful scarves for wings!

We finished up Music Class with one of our favorite songs, The Aquarium.  Friends pretended they were sharks, scallops, and sword fish. We especially enjoy the part when we are under the sea.

After Music we headed back to our classroom for Morning Meeting and a Moment of Silence. The Little Frogs voted on which color they would like to paint our shelves for our store. Each friend could chose between Blue, Red or Orange. Once they chose a color they placed an X over the color they chose on the bar graph. Creating a graph like this gives kids a visual representation of amounts and lets them compare numbers by size. Stay tuned for the results! Next, Carol read us a book called The Teeny Tiny Women. This book got mixed reviews from the class, because there was a scary part. After our brief book discussion we ate snack and headed outside for an adventure.

The Little Frogs meet up with the Turtles to take a trip to the Library. On our adventure we saw a ground hog! Friends stayed really quiet to not to scare it away! Once the ground hog ran away so did we!

On our journey, we also saw a huge truck! The truck driver blew his horn which made friends scream with excitement! After he backed into the loading dock, he told us that his truck was full of food for lunches. As one friend noted, "He is an expert at driving that truck!"

Friends played in the playground while the Turtles went into the library. The Little Frogs played hide-and-go-seek. They thought it was really funny to hide from Danielle and jump out and scare her!

Other friends were using the big shovels to dig for treasure...and found some!

In the library, our friends read us a new book with Elephant and Pig called, My Friend is Sad. Gwen acted out the story with puppets, and friends loved that. Then, she gave us some books that might answer our questions about the green goo in the creek. Every Little Frog also got to pick out a library book to check out. We got books about all kinds of things.

Friends were so excited that they sat down in the hallway to read them.

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