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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Little Frogs to the Rescue!

Today we took a lot of pictures...

...turned rubber bands into spaghetti...

...then we got out the waxed cord and made all kinds of sculptures.

Before we knew it, it was time for music class with Jenny.

She sang us a song story about a farmer and a frog that we liked quite a bit.

Then we sang a song about our imaginations, and pretended to be all sorts of things.

Next, she gave us rhythm sticks and we drummed out different beats.

We had a little time outside, where friends found a roll of tape that soon evolved into a complex game - the rules of which were unclear.

At Morning Meeting, we had our Moment of Silence, and then talked about the color chart we had made last week. Some friends understood the ideas of more and less, and were able to read the chart. However, friends were not so much interested in majority rules as the way to decide what color to paint our new store shelf. So, we talked about other ways to choose and one friend suggested that we use all three colors. While some agreed, others were very stuck on their choice and a few started adding other colors to the possibilities. It is still not clear what we will end up doing, so stay tuned as the decision-making process unfolds.

When we headed outside, it became clear that there were all kinds of bad guys around and much rescuing to be done. We drew a whole series of maps to plan our rescuing and went inside to get our swords. Then Hoppity and Bumpity came out to tell us the bad news - OUR FIRE BREATHING DRAGON  HAD BEEN KIDNAPPED AND NEEDED TO BE RESCUED! In order to find him, we would each have to find buddies and work together. There were clues and tasks around the cemetery.

We all worked together and found the dragon! Friends were so excited, that she was immediately kidnapped again! This time, as we were searching for the dragon, we came across the 6th graders playing kickball. We decided to take a small break from dragon-rescuing to watch the game.

It was pretty exciting. Two of the big kids came over to stand near us, to make sure no ball would hit us, and to tell us about the game.

After the game was over, they left us 2 balls so that we could play for a bit.

Then it was back to dragon rescuing.

We found the dragon up in a tree, and had to use some more teamwork to get her down. By then, it was  time to take her safely back to our room.

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