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Friday, January 27, 2012

Rainy Days

Lots to do in the Frog room today. Danielle came in briefly, and then went home (apparently our birthday celebration yesterday did her in). So Meghan came and joined us. We had lots of fun with the Flubber, and many friends were constructing with the magnatiles. The Little Frogs are realizing that they can make a variety of 3 dimensional shapes, so a whole new world of building has opened up.

We also got out the jumping spiders. Most friends did not have the dexterity at the beginning of the year to get these to work, but now most friends can do it. Today, some of the Little Frogs were showing their friends how to push the spiders down. It was all quite Friend-ish.

At Morning Meeting, we tried a couple more jokes from our riddle book. One, most friends liked and the other was less popular (even I gave it a thumbs down frown). Then we read, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish, which several friends said they had at home, so they helped with the reading. At Choice Time, friends could pick: Books, Sandbox, Easel, Snack and Jiggle Jello.

Jiggle Jello was a very popular choice as a sensory activity - lots of squishing and squeezing going on.

Then we donned our boots and coats and headed over to the John Barnes room for some gross motor fun. We played, "The Magic Word," where friends run in a circle and, when the hear the magic words, they fall to the floor. Their teacher tries hard to trick them with words that sound kind of like the magic word. Next, we played Follow the Leader and then we got out balloons and played some kick and toss. 
There was a lot of exciting conversation at lunch, partly because, for the first time, ALL OF THE LITTLE FROGS WERE AT LUNCH! When nap time rolled around, everyone fell quickly to sleep.

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