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This is the site of our Daily Frog Blog, and one of the ways you can keep up with all the exciting goings on in the Little Frog's classroom. Every day, we will post news about our activities, reflections about the things we are learning, and lots of pictures (and sometimes even mini-movies). On the right side of the blogs is a link called, "Follow by email." If you sign up for this, the blog will be sent directly to your inbox. We encourage you to invite extended family members and interested friends to follow our blog, too.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Exploring with Our Hands and Feet

The Frogs have truly become the Masters of our space. They use the entire room and lots of different materials in increasingly interactive and innovative ways.

This morning, we decided to make Flubber for the very first time! Flubber is a wonderful gloppy substance that is both fascinating to make and to play with. It starts off as a milky-gluey substance, until you add the secret ingredient. Then, it immediately coalesces into a stretchy, putty-like dough.

Our first batch was so popular, that we had to make some more!

These are the Frogs right after the secret ingredient was added.

The Flubber is not only fun, it is a valuable way to develop sensory motor awareness, as well as hand and arm muscles.

At Morning Meeting, we had our Moment of Silence, and many friends decided to hold hands. Every day, the Little Frogs are finding new ways to be "Friend-ish" with one another.

Today was Mason's birthday, and his mom brought in some delicious cupcakes to help us celebrate. We sang Happy Birthday and enjoyed our snack together, as we made plans for our upcoming adventure.

We had a bit of time on the playground, and friends discovered some ice! It was quite cold to hold onto, and friends found creative ways to play with it.

After buddying up and reviewing our safety rules, we headed across the road to the Art Center and Alverthorpe.

When we got to the top of the hill, the Little Frogs took off to check out all of their favorite spots. 

We climbed the tree roots and the orange thingy...

then spent some time leaping off of the stage.

We played the "Three Little Pigs" in the Crookedy House...

and scaled the mountain to ring the bell.

Then, we discovered a map! It told us where we were, where we had come from and where we were going. We wondered if it was a treasure map!

We found a good spot in the woods, and sat down to have some apples.

As we investigated, we wondered about all kinds of things, and used our hands and eyes to investigate. Why did this log look like this?

Feel this furry vine.


We found some wood that turned our fingers black when we touched it.

We went back to the map and it told us how to get to the Echo Room. While we were running and echoing, Carol went into the Art Center, and came out with a MAP! 

It was the same map we saw on the sign, and friends took some time to study it. We noticed numbers on it that matched numbers we have seen on our walks, and we traced out our route. We decided we need to make the map bigger to include our school.

We marched and sang our way back to school, then had a little more time on the playground. 

Evan found another amazing piece of ice, that was shaped like the moon.

It was a wonderful day!

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