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This is the site of our Daily Frog Blog, and one of the ways you can keep up with all the exciting goings on in the Little Frog's classroom. Every day, we will post news about our activities, reflections about the things we are learning, and lots of pictures (and sometimes even mini-movies). On the right side of the blogs is a link called, "Follow by email." If you sign up for this, the blog will be sent directly to your inbox. We encourage you to invite extended family members and interested friends to follow our blog, too.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Cool Tools

The morning began with the arrival of our new goggles! After we had put ours on, we delivered the rest to the Turtles - who are also building things.

We looked through some of the new tools in the room. Friends were very interested in the box full of drill bits, the t-square (they realized why it was called that) and the big yellow clamp.

We also looked at the circular saw (or the "wood breaker", as one friend called it). Friends had questions about all of the parts and what they were for.

Then the Turtles came up to ask if they could borrow our drill. A Frog Committee went down to meet with them and show them how it worked. Everyone got a chance to run it.

We were just starting Morning Meeting, when another Turtle came. Today was Flip-Flop Day, so he came to tell us about the choices in the Turtle room: Snack and Blocks and Easel and Books and Sandbox and Shaving Cream. We told them what the Choices would be in our room: Cars and Tracks, Sandbox, Snack, Books, and Playground Map Making.

We read a story that Evan brought in called, Stone Pizza. In spite of Carol's silly Italian accent, the Frogs enjoyed it. They noticed how similar the pizza making in the book was to our pizza making - until they started adding pickles and jelly beans!

Then it was time to Flip! Half of the Frogs headed down to the Turtle room, and half of the Turtles came to our room. Friends at the map making table got to practice their scissor skills, cutting out pictures from the playground and then thinking about which things were close to each other outside.

Safety goggles were used for many different tasks today.

After we had Flipped and Flopped, it was time to head outside. It was beautiful and warm, although there was still some snow left. Friends had fun digging it and throwing it and trying to get it to stick to things - like the sunflowers.

It was so nice out, that we decided to have our story outside. We read, Ten Apples Up On Top, and we did everything that the characters in the book did: We balanced imaginary apples on our heads, and hopped and walked on tight ropes and ran without them falling off. We were even chased around the playground by birds and bears swinging mops! Not one of us dropped our apples! We are amazingly talented, as you all undoubtedly know.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Tomorrow is Pajama Day! All Little Frogs should come to school in their pajamas (with clothes to change into for when it is time to go outside). We will do some lounge-around kinds of pajama things in the morning, and have a very silly time.

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