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Friday, November 4, 2011

Sticking, Blowing, Crawling, & Popping

There was a very interesting device in the room this morning, and friends took their time (and took turns), investigating how it worked.

The guinea pigs were enthusiastically announcing their desire to be fed, so friends took care of them.

We also continued our gluing project.

And had a visitor.

The new device morphed into a fire hose, and numerous fires were extinguished around the room.

Small popping paper was available. This, in addition to the glue bottle squeezing, is both a great deal of fun, and a good way to build strong fingers and hands.

The Turtles came down to teach the Frogs how to Bear Walk.

At Morning Meeting, we had another excellent Moment of Silence, and a counting story with apples.

An fine example of our Moment of Silence.

Outside, we brought our gadget to blow up some long skinny balloons. Many of our friends enjoy "sword fighting," but we have realized that it is not safe to do with sticks, so we are trying alternatives. A passing dad stopped to demonstrate his balloon-bending skills.

Here is a friend demonstrating his balloon-unbending skills.

The Little Frogs had fun with the balloons until, inevitably, they popped. We had talked about this in advance but, for some friends it was still sad. A number a friends shared their balloons and one even took a half balloon and blew it up again.

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