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Monday, November 28, 2011

Back Together Again

Our day began with general happiness to see each other again, and then some serious construction.

We have several new tools that friends got a chance to get use to and test out.

Then it was time for Movement class. Missy set up another obstacle course for us, that had us jumping and running all over the room.

On the playground, we found a very cool bug and other treasures that appeared since last we were here.
Then, we headed over to the grove to have Morning Meeting.

Our Moments of Silence were different outdoors - we sat on the tree stumps and listened to different kinds of sounds.

We had a story about a snowman that one of our friends picked out from the library, and talked about the things we like to do in the snow. We ate our snack and gave our leftovers to the birds and squirrels.

We found a secret jungle, and Carol's friend from the Meetinghouse, Bob, joined us as we explored. He showed us the leaf mulch, and we tossed it and piled it and dug in it.

It is fairly certain that many friends will have leaves inside all of their clothes! We found secret pathways all through the jungle.

Next, we went to work some more on our stick house. It involves a lot of heavy lifting and tying and planning to figure out just what will fit where. 

It was a beautiful day to be outside, and great to be back together again.

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