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This is the site of our Daily Frog Blog, and one of the ways you can keep up with all the exciting goings on in the Little Frog's classroom. Every day, we will post news about our activities, reflections about the things we are learning, and lots of pictures (and sometimes even mini-movies). On the right side of the blogs is a link called, "Follow by email." If you sign up for this, the blog will be sent directly to your inbox. We encourage you to invite extended family members and interested friends to follow our blog, too.

Monday, October 24, 2011

A Fine Autumn Day

Morning started with a visit to our classroom lake for some letter fishing. Some Little Frogs are trying to catch the letters that start their names.

A vaguely familiar face was in the room (Carol's back*), and it was hard to say who was happier about seeing whom.

On our way to Movement Class, friends noticed that they could see their breath - so we stopped to make some steam.

Movement was a blast. After stretching and loosening up our bodies, Missy passed out the noodles and we pretended they were all kinds of things - from pillows to fire hoses!

Next, Missy brought out one of our favorites - balloons! Not only do we love to play with them, throwing, catching and kicking balloons are great ways to develop eye hand/foot coordination.

Back in the classroom, it was time for Morning Meeting, which began with an amazing Moment of Silence. Beginning any gathering with a Moment of Silence is a Quaker tradition, and it is also an excellent way to get settled and focused. For the Little Frogs, it is also a way to develop an increasing sense of control over their very wiggly bodies.

We read a book called, Max Found Two Sticks, about a boy who uses his sticks and all manner of found objects to make music and rhythms. Carol showed the Little Frogs the activities that would be available for Choice Time: Collage and gluing in the Art Studio, and a giant floor puzzle in the lake. 

Friends also worked on making face chips: blocks of wood with their picture on one side and the first letter of their names on the other side. We will be using these for a variety of activities, including making choices, making decisions and playing games.

The giant puzzle was a popular choice. Despite the challenge of getting the pieces to mesh, the Frogs completed the task. The Frogs are learning how to use visual cues in the pictures on the pieces and their shape to "decode" puzzles. Danielle helps the Frogs learn these strategies, which also keeps them from becoming frustrated.

Then is was time to for some of the Frogs to head outside, while some chose to stay in and help clean the guinea pigs' cage. The friends were rewarded for their care taking by some quality petting time with a couple of grateful pigs.

Outside, there was lots to do on a beautiful autumn day. Friends hit the bikes and swings, did some digging and running and finding of treasures.

One friend found his own two sticks and recreated the rhythms from the book we read earlier. Back inside, we read another story (because FROGS LOVE BOOKS), called, The Gruffalo, about an imaginary monster that turns out to be real (in a storybook kind of way).

* I am back and feeling better. However, for this week I will be in on a slightly reduced schedule - from first thing in the morning, until nap time. So, I will only be away from the kids while they are sleeping and for the last hour of the regular day. During my "off time," I will be blogging and working on individual portfolios and, as always, available on email (cwolf@abingtonfriends.net).

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