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This is the site of our Daily Frog Blog, and one of the ways you can keep up with all the exciting goings on in the Little Frog's classroom. Every day, we will post news about our activities, reflections about the things we are learning, and lots of pictures (and sometimes even mini-movies). On the right side of the blogs is a link called, "Follow by email." If you sign up for this, the blog will be sent directly to your inbox. We encourage you to invite extended family members and interested friends to follow our blog, too.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

They Will Sleep Well Tonight

We had so many adventures today, it's unbelievable. First thing this morning, we found a spider in our room. We caught it in a jar, then we went next door to the Sunflower room, to borrow a special bug box to put him in. The box had a magnifying glass built in, then we added our own magnifying glasses to make him extra big! Some friends wanted to keep him and some wanted to let him go, so we set the timer and decided he would stay with us until the time was up. Then, we took him/her outside to find a good place to let him go.

Some friends thought he could go down into the hole where the water is, but other friends were pretty sure that spiders can't swim.

We found a spider web up high on the wall, but another spider was living there.

Then we decided that the tree might be a good place to build a new web, so we let him out there.

Next, we saw all of the kids from the lower school walking over for Meeting for Worship. We said hi to a whole lot of them, and lots of them said hi back to us.

Next, we went to join or friends the Turtles for another Inside Outside time. We explained how it works to our friends that weren't here yesterday, and we were off. The Turtles and the Frogs are already becoming good friends. Some of the Turtles are older than some of the Frogs, so they are a bit like older siblings - helping explain where things are and even pushing the swings.

We are getting good at putting on our helmets and at moving our nametags from inside to out.

Then the Turtles and the Frogs got together to solve a BIG problem. We wanted to have snack all together, but the other picnic table was down at the bottom of the playground. We tried to figure out what to do. A few of the friends tried to pick up the table while they were standing on it, but that didn't work. 

Then we tried pulling it and that didn't work. Then we tried pushing it and that didn't work. Then we tried both together and even that didn't work! It was very heavy. Finally, we got more Turtles and Frogs together and picked the table up! We only made it a little ways before we had to rest, but at least it was moving.

Each time we moved it, we took a rest at the table, and did a little hand drumming.

When we made it all the way to the patio, we cheered! Then we sat down for a much needed snack.

After Inside Outside time, we went back to our room to gather equipment for a walking adventure. We gathered our magnifying glasses, binoculars and bags and headed off.

We found all manner of treasures - leaves and buds, cones and bugs, and then we found a door! It was the entrance to the lower school. We talked about what was going on inside, and how we would need to stick together and be very quiet. So we went inside. We saw all kinds of things on the wall, and met all kinds of new people. Then we went to visit my friend Nancy (who is the Assistant to the Head of the School), and sang her a song (we picked the ABC song). While we were singing, the inner office door opened and there was Rich Nourie (the Head of School). He invited us into his office, got out his guitar, and played us some songs!

After getting some animal crackers from Nancy, we continued on. We found a room full of instruments and high school kids, and they played us some notes on the saxophone, the trombone, the piano, the flute and the drums.

When we made it back to the room, we read a new story, Hugless Douglas, about a bear desperately trying to find a hug. Finally, it was time for a much needed lunch.

1 comment:

  1. I love that the little ones get to see the bigger kids at school and also to see the bigger campus... what a great way to inspire them as well as put them at home in a bigger community! Thanks for all these blog entries.. I rush home eager to read them again and again.
