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Friday, September 16, 2011

The Drums of Autumn

We added a new dimension to our light and shadows today.

The Little Frogs were excited by what they could do and make.

At the request of one of our friends, we also brought out some modeling clay. We practiced shaping and rolling and cutting and smashing.

Many of the Frogs are beginning to develop their cutting skills and the strength they will need in their hands and fingers to draw and write. Working with clay helps to develop the necessary muscles and coordination, as well as being a great deal of fun.

Yesterday, quite a few friends in our class expressed an interest in drumming, and we spent part of the afternoon trying to find things in our classroom to drum on that made good sounds. Today, we went and borrowed a special key to a secret door downstairs. When the key didn't fit, we had to figure out another plan. One of the Frogs decided we should go and ask the Turtles (because they are our "go to" classroom). Turns out, they had another Secret Door key that worked, and we went inside to find some "drums."

Back outside, the drumming began. Some friends even set up whole drum sets!

We had some more outside play time before we headed in for a story. Today we read Going On a Lion Hunt, with everyone helping out, which made us very hungry for lunch, and very sleepy for naptime.

1 comment:

  1. I'm all for a Little Frogs gamelan (percussion) orchestra!
