Welcome to the Little Frog Families!

This is the site of our Daily Frog Blog, and one of the ways you can keep up with all the exciting goings on in the Little Frog's classroom. Every day, we will post news about our activities, reflections about the things we are learning, and lots of pictures (and sometimes even mini-movies). On the right side of the blogs is a link called, "Follow by email." If you sign up for this, the blog will be sent directly to your inbox. We encourage you to invite extended family members and interested friends to follow our blog, too.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Day for Figuring Things Out

There were a few new surprises to be found around the room this morning. Our bird's nest had some eggs in it and friends told stories about what might happen.

Another item left the Frogs guessing: A clock? A timer? It moved when you put things on top of it, so a number of friends began to experiment with different objects - doing their own scientific investigation.

There were lots of phone calls in the room today - many friends were on the phone with parents, talking about their day.

The Little Frogs continued their study of faces, as we continue to consider different look for our pillow person. We are interested in thinking about what makes a face look happy, sad, scared, mad and afraid.

Outside, friends had many discussions, debates and arguments about how to play together. For some reason, it was not a day for compromise, so friends needed an extra large amount of help in settling disputes and voicing their feelings and opinions.

At the same time, Little Frogs are beginning to play cooperatively in larger groups - so the demands for working out ways to play together are becoming more complicated.

Back inside, Danielle read, The Gingerbread Boy, and some friends were surprised when he got eaten by the fox at the end. The story got mostly thumbs up and a few "sorta liked it's" (thumbs sideways).

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Books for a Rainy Day

The forecast of a day of rain sent us outside early today, where we got to run and ride and save the playground from fires. The Little Frogs continue to form and test new friendships and playmates each day and are finding things to do with nearly all of their friends.

The Turtles came out to join us and, when we told them of our plan to go to the Lower School Library, they decided to come with us. First, everyone had to go to the bathroom and get their raincoats and boots. Then, we decided to have Morning Meeting and snack together.

We showed the Turtles how we do our Moment of Silence, sang "Make New Friends," and talked about our plans. We counted up the Turtles and Frogs (there were 20!), and realized that we would need to move the tables around so that everyone could fit.

It was a very boisterious snacktime.

Then we bundled up and headed out into the rain (please make sure your tiny person has boots and a raincoat at school). Before heading in, we practiced our Loud, Medium and Soft voices, and left our Loud voices outside.

When we got to the library, friends picked out books and found spaces to look at them. Some of the 3rd graders were there too, so we had to try and be quiet, so they could do their reading.

If friends found books they really liked, we took them up to the librarian to check them out.

Then we headed back through the rain.

Back in our room, we settled in to work on some art and take care of the guinea pigs. For Storytime, we read one of the books that the friends brought back, Oscar's Half Birthday. Before we knew it, it was time to sing our goodbye song and get our lunches. The Little Frogs were very hungry today and we talked about growing food at lunchtime and how it goes into your body and makes it stronger and healthier and bigger and smarter.