Welcome to the Little Frog Families!

This is the site of our Daily Frog Blog, and one of the ways you can keep up with all the exciting goings on in the Little Frog's classroom. Every day, we will post news about our activities, reflections about the things we are learning, and lots of pictures (and sometimes even mini-movies). On the right side of the blogs is a link called, "Follow by email." If you sign up for this, the blog will be sent directly to your inbox. We encourage you to invite extended family members and interested friends to follow our blog, too.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Festival Day!

Excitement was in the air this morning as the Little Frogs arrived. There were some new things in the room to explore - including several new puzzles.

And a very old phone (I was surprised that friends knew what it was). Many calls were made to families, to make sure they remembered to come back for the party.

There were new cars and a roadway.

The pigs were happy to see their friends and get some treats.

Everyone was excited about their new Little Frog's shirts, and about the fact that we all matched!

At Morning Meeting, we read a new book full of questions called, Zoo. The Frogs got to guess the answers and then fold down the page to see if they were right. Then, we talked about Fall Family Festival and explained what would be happening.

Thanks for a wonderful Fall Family Festival!!!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

New Blog Post

Check out the new post on my teacher blog, "Tiny People and the Theory of Relativity."


Friday, October 28, 2011

The Way Things Come Together

We started the day with a new kind of puzzle-game. Each piece has a picture on it that corresponds to one other piece - the only piece that will fit. The Little Frogs really got into this game, and played very cooperatively - one friend holding up a piece saying, "I have a chicken!" and another friend gleefully shouting, "Here's an egg!" Then, both would work together to see if they fit.

We also had another new floor puzzle - a little less complicated than the others we've been doing. This allowed some of our expert puzzle-doers to teach their skills to friends who are just developing their skills.

We also had a record amount of book reading today. Little Frogs asked for bunches of stories to be read, and we were happy to comply. Free Choice time gives friends a chance to revisit many of the books that are their favorites, or that have only been read once. One of our friends also brought in books from home, which he happily shared.

Just minutes before clean-up time, the Little Frogs found the musical instruments, and suddenly, there was a parade!

At Morning Meeting, we had our Moment of Silence and sang some songs. Then, the teachers explained what was available for Choice Time. In addition to Snack and Books (which are most always available), today friends could work on their Little Frog T-shirts (these will be unveiled at the Fall Family Festival on Monday), and there would be a ball toss game in the block area.

Afterwords, we headed outside where the weather had taken a turn for the very chilly. 
(This is an ideal opportunity to remind families to make sure that your kids have changes of clothes that are suitable for the new temperatures. Also, please know that we almost ALWAYS  go outside - unless it is pouring down rain or under 20 degrees. In fact, I just got my new snow pants for the season. So, as the weather gets colder, the Little Frogs are going to need outdoor clothing that is warm enough to let them play comfortably outdoors. And Please remember to put your child's name in their hats and gloves, as these articles of clothing seem to have minds of their own. Thanks.)

Outside, we had a walkabout. There were sticks and shadows and things to climb upon. 

Back inside, we read the classic, Harold and the Purple Crayon, and it was time for lunch. This, as I think I've mentioned before, is one of my favorite times of day. It is one of the best places to note the friendships that are forming in our class and where friends continue to develop the art of conversation. They tend to be very silly conversations, and the jokes have usually been told before. But, if you are a Little Frog, what was funny yesterday is often even MORE funny today.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


The Little Frogs love sticks. Rather than fight it, we've decided to embrace this fascination and make a project of it. We are thinking about sticks in every way possible - and we will be asking you to join us as we become even greater experts. Most importantly, we are figuring out how to have a safe relationship with sticks (please know that this is foremost in our minds). However, there is no denying our obsession with sticks. To prove it, we've made a movie. It is entitled, appropriately enough, "Sticks." Enjoy!


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Books and Sticks and Books About Sticks

Friends came together this morning over puzzles and blocks.

Homes were built for hamsters and horses, and there was time for another floor puzzle.

Miles brought in a special treat for the guinea pigs - gourmet food! The Frog's helped fill the bowl, and then took out pieces of the fancy bits to hand feed to Nellie and Princess Froggy.

At Morning Meeting, we read, When Sophie Gets Angry - Really, Really Angry. The story is about a girl who is angry because she has to share a toy with her sister, and how she makes herself feel better. The Frogs, who are working hard on managing their own feelings, were very interested in this story.

After a few songs, we got out the Big Pad again and talked about a word that the Frogs are learning: "EXPERT" - a person who knows a lot about something. Frogs, it turns out, are EXPERTS on the subject of STICKS. One thing experts sometimes do is write books about the thing they know about. So, the Frogs are starting to work on a book about sticks. We started thinking about the things we know about sticks (like you can use them as drumsticks and fishing poles). Outside, we will gather some sticks to study.

We also got to use our face chips for the first time today. Carol held them up with the letter side showing and asked the Frogs to guess whose name started with that letter. When their face was revealed, they got to toss it into the bucket (which made a very cool sound), and go wash up for snack.

Outside, the Frogs headed over to the Grove to find "the very best stick," and then returned to put a name flag on it and talk about what made it a good stick.

Our second book, David Gets in Trouble, caused quite a bit of excitement when the Frogs realized it was the same David as in another book they love! (No David ). This book allowed the Frogs to "decode," from the pictures, what David got in trouble for. Our friends really like a book that lets them get involved with the story.